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ISOO Oral Care Study Group

The Oral Care Study Group is the official study group for the International Society of Oral Oncology. It is comprised of global multidisciplinary clinicians and researchers interested in the field of supportive oral care in cancer therapy.

  • Goals

    The group’s major goals are to enhance knowledge of the wide range of oral complications associated with cancer therapies and to support the translation into improved clinical management for patients.

  • Objectives

    The group’s objectives are to understand the clinical impact of the wide variety of oral complications. These include xerostomia, dysgeusia, dysphagia, oral pain, fungal infection, viral infection, osteoradionecrosis, osteonecrosis from bisphosphonates, dental disease and trismus.

  • A Resource for Collaborative Research

    The Oral Care Study Group aims to develop and coordinate new evidence-based management guidelines and serves as a resource for collaborative research efforts among members of this group as well as other members of MASCC and ISOO.


  • Cherry Estilo, USA


    Cherry Estilo, USA

  • Erin Watson, Canada


    Erin Watson, Canada

  • Derek Smith, USA

    Systematic Review Lead

    Derek Smith, USA

  • David Yang, Canada

    Education Lead

    David Yang, Canada

MASCC Mucositis Study Group

MASCC Mucositis Study Group has many ISOO participants. Its major goal is to improve outcomes of patients experiencing oral and gastrointestinal mucositis associated with anti-cancer therapies. The objectives are to influence the design and conduct of clinical investigations, disseminate up-to-date educational information, and serve as a resource for investigators. A major effort of the Mucositis Study group has been a comprehensive review of the literature related to mucositis and development of evidence-based clinical management guidelines. The Mucositis Study Group was chaired by Edward Rubenstein 1998-2004, Dorothy Keefe 2004-2008 and Rajesh Lalla from 2008. Study group co-chair was Mark Schubert 1998-2007. Since 2008 the study group is co-chaired by Joanne Bowen and Sharon Elad.

  • Goals

    The Mucositis Study Group's major goal is to improve outcomes of patients experiencing oral and gastrointestinal mucositis associated with anticancer therapies.

  • Objectives

    Our objectives are to improve the design and conduct of clinical investigations, and serve as a resource for industrial collaborators, clinicians, and patients.

  • Patient Education

    The MSG has created a patient-friendly version of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Oral Mucositis. We hope it will be helpful for patients and for healthcare providers looking for resources for their patients.

Become a member

Membership with the Oral Care Study Group and MASCC Mucositis Study Group is achievable to members of the ISOO.

For more information or to contact the Study Group Leaders, please send an email to Leslie Johnson. ljohnson@mascc.org

Annual Meetings

MASCC/ISOO conferences are good meeting places and a basis for cooperation between members, centers, countries and continents. Several collaborative projects have been launched through this annual meeting.

Upcoming Meeting

MASCC/ISOO 2020 Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer - Seville, Spain June 25-27/2020

Past Meetings

MASCC/ISOO 2019 Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer - San Francisco, USA June 21-23/2019

MASCC/ISOO 2018 Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer - Vienna, Austria June 28-30/2018

Clinical Research Initiatives

Diagnostic and Management Practices for Oral Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease (cGVHD)

The Oral Care Study Group conducted a study on the diagnosis and treatment of oral chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD). The study was designed to assess common practices, as well as to determine use of the National Institute of Health scale for the diagnosis and grading of oral cGVHD. The project was headed by Sharon Elad, DMD, MSc, Eastman Institute for Oral Health, University of Rochester Medical Center.

A survey was distributed to Oral Care Study Group and MASCC/ISOO members in order to identify medical centers with experience in managing patients with oral cGVHD. The structured survey contained questions about the respondents’ demographics, whether or not they treat oral cGVHD, evaluation tools, diagnostic aids, topical treatments, and preventive measures.

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